Winter in the Woodlands Schedule
Friday, December 11th
Day 1
Warmups with Kawaii Riot | Host: Kawaii Riot
5:00 PM Eastern / 3:00 PM Mountain / 2:00 PM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
It is essential to know your voice matters. Kawaii Riot began as a platform to explore alternative fashion and lifestyle communities and advocacy. Still, the growth has taken the platform further. We want to encourage your voice, fashion, and, most importantly, an exploration into intersectional advocacy from within the community. Come join in for a discussion on community, creativity, and advocacy.
Can You See Me?: A Visual Kei style GRWM! | Host: Melissa Alexander (they/them)
6:45 PM Eastern / 4:45 PM Mountain / 3:45 PM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Learn about the history and stylings of Visual Kei, while adding your own unique flair! Join Melissa as they give a presentation about the history of Visual Kei, including recommendations for bands, clothes, and makeup looks. Afterwards, they will complete a makeup look inspired by a visual kei group and song!
Cuff Links or Shirt Studs: An Identification Guide | Host: Jason R. Merrill of Blackbird Finery (he/him)
8:30 PM Eastern / 6:30 PM Mountain / 5:30 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Jason R. Merrill from Blackbird Finery will showcase the different types of cuff links along with all the other items people try to sell as 'cuff links', such as shirt and collar studs.
EGL Treats: Woodland Morsels DIY | Hosts: Kristen (she/her) & Oriana (she/her) of EGL Treats
9:45 PM Eastern / 7:45 PM Mountain / 6:45 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Join lolitas Kristen and Oriana for a DIY panel where they teach you how to make some cute morsels to enjoy during the Winter in the Woodlands tea party! They will be making a special treat featuring peppermint bark and meringue mushrooms for a forest fantasy feast. Dietary accommodations variations also available!
Gyaru 101 | Host: Juupitan (she/her)
11:00 PM Eastern / 9:00 PM Mountain / 8:00 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Gyaru 101 covers popular gyaru substyles and how you can style them yourself! If you've ever had questions about gyaru fashion, lifestyle, or makeup, now's your chance to find out more! We will also take a look at Papillon Magazine! This magazine has over 30 gyaru and gyaruo models from countries all over the world and the winter edition releases the same weekend as this panel! So please come learn more about gyaru!
ParaPara: an Intersection of Dance and Fashion | Hosts: Plentiful Pie (she/her) & D-tan (she/her)
12:15 AM Eastern / 10:15 PM Mountain / 9:15 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Learn about this iconic dance with Plentiful Pie and D-tan as they dive into the history of ParaPara and how it reflected Japanese fashion and pop culture.
DIY Cocktail Mix-Along: Winter Edition | Host: Nif (she/her) of Pretty Princess Club
1:30 AM Eastern / 11:30 PM Mountain / 10:30 PM Pacific (30 min)
Twitch Link:
It's winter, are you ready to come a-wassailin'? Wait, what's "wassail," anyway? Find out with Nif from PPC, as she walks you through two warm winter cocktails - 1 make-ahead, and 1 simple for last-minute merriment.
Cocktails and Crafts: Ugly Sweater Craft-Along! | Host: Rae (she/her)
2:00 AM Eastern / 12:00 PM Mountain / 11:00 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Grab your glue guns and a favorite drink and join the Rosé Forêt and Bay Area Kei teams for a seasonal craft-along; your very own ugly sweater! There is no designated kit as we love to see how everyone's creative juices flow, so feel free to get as ugly as you'd like! Post your results and participate in our Instagram challenge.
Saturday, December 12th
Day 2
Crafting a Cup of Coffee | Hosts: Charlie (they/them) & Kera (they/them)
10:00 AM Eastern / 8:00 AM Mountain / 7:00 AM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Join part-time barista NeoRococoMemes (Charlie) as they take you through the world of coffee, from the beans you buy, to the methods of brewing, to the joe you know and love.
Advanced J-Fashion Layering for Extreme Weather | Hosts: Purestmaiden (she/her) & Avina (they/them)
11:45 AM Eastern / 9:45 AM Mountain / 8:45 AM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
You may know how to create thoughtful, creative layered coordinates- but are you struggling to show off your creative layering in extremely cold or hot weather? Join purestmaiden and avina-kei for an advanced layering seminar, where we'll walk you through creative tips and tricks for wearing multiple layers in extreme weather!
Kanzashi Christmas Flower Accessories From Scrap Fabric Workshop | Host: Jessica Corlett (she/her)
1:00 PM Eastern / 11:00 AM Mountain / 10:00 AM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Learn simple Japanese fabric flower making techniques in a 90min online craft workshop with Jessica Corlett. Use whatever fabric scraps you have to create festive hair accessories and other Christmas decorations for your home. It’s origami done with fabric!

It's Always High Tea Time: 10 Year Lolita Challenge | Hosts: Jamie (she/her) & Kim (she/her)
2:45 PM Eastern / 12:45 PM Mountain / 11:45 AM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Join hosts Kim and Jamie for the unveiling of a new lolita flavored podcast- It's Always High Tea Time! For this introductory episode- the Ten Year Lolita Challenge. How has lolita evolved over the last ten years? What's better? What's worse? Tune in to find out!
Delicious Snacks for Tea Time | Host: Elya Arrasmith of Dementions by Elyachan (they/them)
4:00 PM Eastern / 2:00 PM Mountain / 1:00 PM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Excited for the tea party and want to step up your snack game? Get ideas for putting together a three-tiered menu of savories, breads, and sweets, and follow along as we make tea sandwiches and easy pastries to enjoy tomorrow!
Lolita Fashion Patterns & Sewing | Host: Carol Belle of Mode a la Belle (she/her)
5:45 PM Eastern / 3:45 PM Mountain / 2:45 PM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Sew and make your own Lolita by learning the basics of fabrics, lace, patterns, and construction.
Organizing Your Lolita Wardrobe | Host: Obsixwi (she/her) & Sara Bread (she/her)
7:30 PM Eastern / 5:30 PM Mountain / 4:30 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Obsixwi and Bread.First.Search show you tips and tricks on organizing your lolita wardrobe. We will cover how to best utilize your physical space and display your collection, best practices and digital platforms for archiving your items, and how to use spreadsheets to keep track of your purchases!
Winter in the Woodlands Fashion Walk | Host: Rosé Forêt
8:45 PM Eastern / 6:45 PM Mountain / 5:45 PM Pacific (30 min)
Twitch Link:
Tune in for the Winter in the Woodlands Fashion Walk! We will be broadcasting attendee-submitted J-fashion coords in a video compilation. Afterwards, you will have the chance to vote for your favorites in the Coord Contest! For a list of prizes donated by our generous participating vendors, please see here. Winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony!
Lovely: A Plus-Size Lolita Panel | Host: Michelle of Porcelain Song (she/her) & Amy (she/they)
9:30 PM Eastern / 7:30 PM Mountain / 6:30 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Interested in lolita fashion, but worried you won't find anything in your size? Be prepared to be proven wrong! This body-positive panel will cover a wide range of subjects pertinent to plus-sized people wanting to dress in lolita fashion, from taking accurate measurements, different types of shirring, and brands that can accommodate larger sizes, as well as some tips and tricks of the trade helpful for new and veteran lolitas alike.
Mixing Kimono and Western Fashion! | Host: Halley M. of The Black Ribbon (she/her)
10:45 PM Eastern / 8:45 PM Mountain / 7:45 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Want to learn how to mix some of your western clothing with your kimono fashion? Well this is the panel for you! Exploring both masc and femme styles, let's make some fun coordinates!
Kawaii or Kowai: J-Fashion Release Review Winter Edition | Hosts: Plentiful Pie (she/her) & Mani Tokkigo (she/her)
12:00 AM Eastern / 10:00 PM Mountain / 9:00 PM Pacific (60 min)
Twitch Link:
Join Plentiful Pie and Mani Tokkigo as they review and pass judgement on the latest Winter releases from J-fashion brands! Bring your own hot cocoa and participate in chat!
Lolita Christmas Cards | Host: Yumi of Yumiyumyum Illustration (she/her)
1:15 AM Eastern / 11:15 PM Mountain / 10:15 PM Pacific (30 min)
Twitch Link:
Join Yumi to create some lolita themed christmas cards that you can make for you or your friends!
Shoujo Aesthetics: A Brief Primer | Host: Kelp (she/her)
2:00 AM Eastern / 12:00 AM Mountain / 11:00 PM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Love you some eye sparkles? All about those fluttering frills? Big fan of Rose of Versailles? Join Kelp of Bay Area Kei as she breaks down the key elements of 'shoujo' aesthetics and how they connect to transgressive ideas and identities. She will also go over a number of notable shoujo artists from the 20th century.
Sunday, December 13th
Day 3
Dapper on a Dime | Host: Jason R. Merrill of Blackbird Finery (he/him)
12:30 PM Eastern / 10:30 AM Mountain / 9:30 AM Pacific (90 min)
Twitch Link:
Join Jason R. Merrill from Blackbird Finery as he shows tips and tricks to keep you looking like a star without spending a star's budget.
Closing Ceremony | Host: Rosé Forêt & Friends
7:00 PM Eastern / 5:00 PM Mountain / 4:00 PM Pacific (30 min)
Twitch Link:
Join us for all contest winner announcements, end-of-event thoughts, and announcements regarding upcoming events!