Winter the Woodlands Fashion Walk
Fashion Walk and Coord Contest

Submissions are Closed
Catch the Fashion Walk on Saturday, December 12th at 6:45 PM MST on J-Fashion on Demand
Submission Guidelines:
-You MUST be 18 years or older to participate.
-Outfits must be a recognizable J-fashion.
-Outfits should not be sexually explicit.
-NO cosplay or costumes
-NO replicas
If your submission does not meet the above criteria, it will not be showcased in the Fashion Walk.
Submissions will be screened, and we reserve the right to reject any entry we deem inappropriate.
Video format details:
- Landscape/Horizontal filming preferred
- .mp4 or .mov file format preferred
- NO LONGER THAN 20 SECONDS. Longer videos will be cut down. Background music/noise will be cut out.
- You can submit pictures if you are unable to film a video.
- Upload the video somewhere it can be downloaded (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive - NOT YouTube).
Show off your outfit however you think it will look best! Closeup cuts, walking shots, panning up/down, and waving/looking at the camera are all good options!
View an example
Theme: Winter in the Woodlands
You are not required to match the theme with your coord, but it is encouraged.
If you want to dress “on theme” for this event, think winter, cozy, and perhaps even fantasy inspired coordinates. Imagine you're wandering through an enchanted forest in the middle of winter.
You can submit multiple coords to the fashion walk, but you may only submit one coord to the contest overall. To submit multiple coords, please submit a new form for each submission.
By submitting your media via the entry form, you acknowledge and understand that you are granting Rosé Forêt a limited license to edit images and repost to the Rosé Forêt social media channels, including (though not limited to) Facebook and Instagram.
Melt: Cute, cozy, or warm
Frost: Arctic, Opulent, or Mysterious

We are so grateful to our wonderful and generous vendors for providing such great prizes for this event!

First Place:
LOTV - Christmas pudding brooch
Mossbadger - Necklace and earrings
Of a Long Lost Land - Coupon code 50% off
R.R. Memorandum - Cutsew set
Dandy Puppetrois - $10.00 off coupon
Sweet Bitz - Tea & Sweetz Enamel Pin
BB&B - Prize Pack
Second Place:
RinneKanzaki - 15% off coupon (valid until 1/11/21)
Noble Ghost - Tea Cup Coin Purse
Marchen Maiden - Brown Bow-lo Tie necklace
Sugarstar Cafe - Pastel Strawberry Gloves
Summer Tales Boutique - €10 gift voucher
Sweet Juju - 25% off coupon (valid until 1/31/2021)
Haenuli - Lolita 4 pin enamel set
Third Place:
A. Gato - $20 Gift Card (valid until 6/30/2021)
Milkribbon - €9,99 voucher
Paradise Rose Shop - $10 off code (no minimums, valid until 6/30/21)
Pop Princess - 15% off code
Chocolat Chaud - 1 exclusive snowflake pin
TeaLoveCrochet - Beret of choice
Geeniejay - £10 coupon code
Siriusbound - 1 set of two pins & two postcards
First Place:
Of a Long Lost Land - Coupon code 50% off
Milkribbon - €9,99 voucher
RinneKanzaki - 15% off code (valid until 1/11/2021)
Neant - Vampire Rose coffin rosary
Raspberry Mazohyst - A Holy Black Mass choker of chosen size
Second Place:
Lily of the Valley - May Apple brooch
Deuxmia - Art commission
TeaLoveCrochet - Beret of choice
Dandy Puppetrois - $10.00 off coupon
Geeniejay - £10 coupon code
Haenuli - Their Story 3 pin enamel set
Third Place:
Siriusbound -1 set of two pins & two postcards
Paradise Rose Shop - $10 off code (no minimums, code expires 6/30/2021)
Pop Princess - 15% off code
Chocolat Chaud - 1 exclusive snowflake pin
Summer Tales Boutique - €10 gift voucher
Mossbadger - Rosette
Marchen Maiden - Ivory Bow-lo Tie Necklace
Sweet Bitz - Tea & Sweetz enamel pin
A. Gato - $20 gift card (valid 6/30/2021)